Soon the gray winter days will be a thing of the past. In March, the first daffodils begin to bloom. The daffodils usher in spring and we are prepared! Don't you already enjoy the idea of soon finally walking barefoot over a green meadow again? We are looking forward to sunshine and spring feelings. One more reason to get your feet ready for spring!
Well hidden in winter and matured - thick layers dead skin hide your beautiful feet!
weals, pressure points, cracked heels or even corns? Do not panic. dead skin on the feet probably bothers almost every foot after hibernation. Only how do you remove your dead skin now effectively and painlessly? The possibilities are numerous - the effective offers, on the other hand, which conjure up really beautiful feet for you without the risk of injury, are limited.
Grinding, planing, cutting and Co. - How do you remove dead skin on the feet correctly?
With a total area of 2 square meters, the skin is the largest organ of our body. It protects against external influences, regulates our body temperature and moisture. Roughly divided, our skin consists of three layers: the hypodermis, the dermis and the epidermis. If the epidermis thickens, this results in the so-called dead skin. More on the topic dead skin can be found under the category Worth knowing.
dead skin can, in addition to the cosmetic inconvenience, even lead to pain and unpleasant odors. But how do you get rid of the dead skin cells now? For now it should be said: The calluses shaver does not belong on your feet. It may serve a purpose in your toolbox, but on the skin there is a high risk of injury and you won't get a nice result anyway. Also rasp, file and pumice stone are not very recommendable. Your skin will be rough but not very presentable. Grandma still knew best. Your approaches are probably the one good alternative. The skin must be soaked! Only it must also be removed. Mr. Fuss has Granny's advice and developed it further. Now you get beautiful feet as easy as pie.
This is how it is done:
As a beginner we recommend the Mr. Fuss Starter Kit. In it, everything you need is included. From soaking solution to the ideal care, everything is included in this kit. Now you need only 20- 30 minutes of time per foot. Now it goes to the dead skin to the collar! Place a thin layer of special absorbent cotton on your heel. Wet the absorbent cotton with the dead skin dissolving solution. Now press the absorbent cotton onto the skin with the bottom of the bottle. Now put your feet up in a relaxed position. Let the solution take effect in peace. Afterwards your dead skin softened. Its consistency now resembles that of wine gums. With the blunt slider, you can apply the jelly-like dead skin now remove it very gently. Then wash off your foot and start with the next foot.
Beautiful soft feet - The right care for permanently beautiful feet
Now that you have said goodbye to your excess skin layers, it is time for proper foot care. Your feet should get enough moisture and at best the dead skin-new formation should be counteracted. High-quality products that provide your feet with the care they deserve are especially recommended. Ideal components for foot care are urea and evening primrose oil.
High-quality care with urea - natural moisturizing care
Urea provides natural moisturizing care and prevents your feet from drying out. In addition, it preserves the natural protective function, loosens superficial skin flakes and counteracts the formation of new dead skin against. Therefore, we recommend one with a high urea content.
Evening primrose oil - In the right recipe a real treasure
Evening primrose oil is a true all-rounder. Besides the cosmetic benefits, it is also used in alternative medicine for ailments such as rheumatism or breast cancer. Your feet can also enrich the miracle product. Evening primrose oil has a natural moisturizing effect without putting additional strain on the skin. The contained linoleic acid contains a high fat content and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Especially for your feet, however, is the contained oleic acid. It loosens the cell membranes and also nourishes your lower skin layers. With evening primrose oil, however, the proportion and combination with other ingredients is of enormous importance. Mr. Fuss offer well thought-out formulations for your optimal foot care.
The nails follow on the heels - How to cut your toenails correctly
When cutting toenails, misunderstandings occur time and again. The wrong cutting of toenails can have serious consequences. Again and again you read that the nails are to be cut straight. The consequences: Nasty edges, ingrown nails, up to nail bed inflammation. We enlighten you. Soften your nails first. This will make cutting easier and your nails will not form cracks. A short foot bath in lukewarm chamomile water is quite enough. Now dry your feet and trim your toenails "toe to toe", that is, to match the shape of the nail. For the big toe, a nail nipper with a curved cutting edge is recommended. A nail nipper shaped like the toe makes it easier to shorten hard nails and ensures the correct shape. For the small toes, nail scissors are usually sufficient. Afterwards, you can massage in some nail oil. Now your toenails are also top cared for!
Spring can come!
Now your feet are ready for spring. Make yourself a hot tea. The last hours of winter will surely pass in the blink of an eye and the first rays of sunshine you can now, quite comfortably, enjoy a little walk, while the others are standing in the drugstore and, in the jungle of the dead skin removalinquire about the right way!