Hände hinterlassen Eindruck: So beeinflusst Ihre Handpflege das erste Kennenlernen

Hands leave an impression: How your hand care influences the first meeting

First impressions are formed in the blink of an eye. In the process, your subconscious scans your counterpart and forms a picture of him or her that is difficult to correct. Within 90 seconds you have established and decided what you think of your conversation partner. Your hands are the business card for your body care and your self-worth. Thus, whether in everyday life, on a first date, customer interview or job interview, you can favor a positive impression with the right hand and nail care.

The first impression counts

Within a tenth of a second, we have created a first impression of our counterpart. Now another 90 seconds remain in which we feed and consolidate our perception. After one and a half minutes, we now have an image of our counterpart that is difficult to change. This is because the first impression usually remains and also usually corresponds to the truth.

The first impression is created subconsciously and is, probably evolutionary, very precise. However, mostly optical factors determine the first impression, whereby you can at least partially influence the perception of your counterpart. These factors influence your further relationship:


  • Eye contact
  • Facial expression
  • Gestures
  • Posture
  • Clothing
  • Fitness
  • Care
  • Attractiveness
  • Fragrance
  • Language


Groomed hands on the first date

The aspects mentioned above influence your appearance. Depending on how you want to appear, you can thus influence the impression of your counterpart. Interestingly, men and women form your impression in different ways. Although all factors are taken into account, priority one to three are considered decision criteria for a second date. But one thing in advance: Both sexes feel that personal hygiene and a well-groomed appearance are incredibly important.

This is how a man forms an impression

  • Priority 1) - Your outer appearance

    According to surveys, the visual appearance is of paramount importance for men. In addition to a symmetrical face, clothing style and, in most cases, natural make-up, good body and hair care play a major role.

    Soft and well-groomed hands can indicate a well-groomed body here. In addition, the choice of nail polish should not be ignored. Clear nail polish looks natural and well-groomed. A dark red, for example, can look elegant and self-confident, while flashy colors are often off-putting.

  • Priority 2) - Your facial expression

    Men also subconsciously perceive your facial expressions very clearly. In particular, eye contact and a friendly smile are significant. If a man is looking for a strong power woman, he finds long-lasting eye contact attractive. Frequent blinking and looking down, on the other hand, is perceived as playful and girlish.

  • Priority 3) - Your smell

    Smell is perceived by men primarily in a negative way. For example, heavily perfumed women are often perceived as unkempt and less likeable. Women who do without perfume are often even perceived as more attractive. Rather, wear freshly washed clothes, shampoo your hair extensively and apply some body lotion. This creates a subtle, well-groomed fragrance.

How woman forms her impression

  • Priority 1) - The smell

    For women, "the chemistry must be right" and their sense of smell is particularly responsible for this. Women like the smell of perfume on their date. Accordingly, perfumed men are considered more well-groomed and attractive. But everything in moderation please. The deodorant shower is still considered a no-go!

  • Priority 2) - The outer appearance

    The optical appearance is also considered an important criterion. Here, especially the body hygiene of the man is inspected. By the way, a woman's gaze usually wanders from the eyes directly to the hands. Accordingly, well-groomed fingernails are an important clue for judging the body hygiene of the other person. Oral hygiene is also of great importance. Fresh breath and white teeth increase his attractiveness.

    With regard to physique, by the way, muscular men are perceived as courageous and powerful, while slim men appear intelligent and down-to-earth.

  • Priority 3) - The language

    Language also analyzes the female subconscious. Language and gestures must match in order to build confidence. In addition, the pitch and volume of your voice, as well as clear pronunciation make an impression.

Your business card at the job interview

In addition, your appearance influences your career. According to studies, in addition to competence, appearance also determines whether you get the job you want. A well-groomed appearance is especially important for customer contact and professions with a fixed dress code, such as in the hotel industry.

Accordingly, the wrong choice of clothes and a lack of personal hygiene are KOKriteria for personnel managers. In addition, you appear well-groomed, provided that your skin, hair and hands are convincing. Clear skin and an even complexion make for a well-groomed impression. So even a man can use a concealer for a job interview. The hair can be combed again before the interview and a little hair perfume can help smokers in particular.

Hand care

HR managers also like to use the welcoming handshake to get an impression of their applicants. The handshake should be firm and as dry as possible. Sweaty hands appear subconsciously repulsive and also not very competent. Reach for a handkerchief again before the interview.

Furthermore, soft hands look well-groomed, which is why it is recommended to use a hand scrub and grease-free hand cream before an interview. Smokers should also remove yellow discoloration on their fingers the day before. To do this, simply quarter a lemon and rub it on each hand for one minute. Leave the acid on for another minute and then wash your hands thoroughly.

Nail care

The fingernails should not protrude more than 3 mm above the fingertips and protruding nails should be removed. cuticle should be removed. In addition, a natural polish of the nails is recommended in professions with high hygiene regulations, such as in food preparation or care. But also in other professions applies: The nail polish please natural to discreet. A layer of clear nail polish looks well-groomed or you can use a discreet nude shade.

The man's fingernails should only protrude a millimeter above the fingertips and excess cuticle should be removed. In addition, your nails will look more well-groomed if you file them after shortening them. Corners and cracks, on the other hand, look unkempt. In some professions, it may even be advantageous to have your nails polished or to apply a matte nail polish.

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